Enjoy Personal Finance Favorites Anytime with Audiobooks.com

As American author Stephen King once said, “Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for each dollar spent.” But what if you’re flying off on vacation and forgot your book at home? Or maybe you’re driving across town –or across country– and can’t safely read? In these cases –and many others– audiobooks are the perfect answer.

RewardExpert recently spoke with Jemma Wolfe, marketing communications manager at Audiobooks.com, about the audiobook service’s history and subscription platform as well as her recommendations for the best personal finance titles to listen to the next time you need a little entertainment.

More than 125,000 Titles

Jemma Wolfe
Marketing Communications
Manager at Audiobooks.com

Audiobooks.com was launched in 2011.

“The company began as a CD rental service back in 2003 under a different name,” Wolfe explained. “As the industry has grown and changed, people have moved from wanting physical goods to digital goods and smartphones have proliferated. Audiobooks.com took over from there and it has been growing since then.”

The platform currently has more than 125,000 audiobook titles available, and new titles are added every year.

30-Day Free Trial

Never experienced an audiobook and not sure you’ll enjoy it? Every new Audiobooks.com member can listen to his or her first book for free.

“We offer a 30-day one-book free trial for all new customers,” Wolfe said. “After that, you can subscribe for $14.95 per month. There’s lots of content to engage with including premium titles, so it’s a really great offering.”

The subscription includes one audiobook each month and members can buy additional credits at any time. Special deals –like two-for-one bestsellers– are also frequently available.

Wolfe said using Audiobooks.com is really simple with the company’s free apps for iOS and Android that allow you to stream audiobooks on your smartphone or tablet.

Image via audiobooks.com

“You can also use Audiobooks.com on your smartwatch, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto,” Wolfe added. “You can even connect us to the Sonos Home Theater System, so there are lots of different ways to engage with our service.”

Members can even download audiobooks to their devices for offline listening on airplanes or in other areas where they don’t have network coverage.

“The Audiobooks.com user experience is the best there is,” Wolfe said. “People can do whatever they need to do right within our apps, which really distinguishes us from some of our competitors. You can listen, download, browse and discover new content all within the app for a really convenient, simple experience.”

Personal Finance Book Trends

With so many titles to choose from and so many members listening, Audiobooks.com is in a unique position to observe trends in entertainment preferences. Wolfe said that recently self-help titles have been making a resurgence in popularity.

“Everything from Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which is now a Netflix special, has seen renewed interest as well as some big celebrity biographies and memoirs like Michelle Obama’s Becoming,” Wolfe continued. “That’s the kind of content that’s really helping our members right now.”

Knowing the RewardExpert audience’s interest in business and personal finance, Wolfe also shared a few recommendations on the most popular titles within those genres.

Image via audiobooks.com

“We have some perennial favorites that, though they are older publications, are still really popular with our members. These include Rich Dad Poor Dad,” Wolfe explained. “But a new trend that we’ve noticed is in personal finance books skewed towards Millennials. These offer a fun approach to managing your money and getting your personal finances in order. Two examples are Money Diaries by Lindsey Stanberry and Bad with Money: The Imperfect Art of Getting Your Financial Sh*t Together by Gaby Dunn.”

Added Value Ahead

What does the future hold for Audiobooks.com? “We’re always looking for new ways to innovate,” Wolfe responded. “We have a few items on the docket this year that will provide our members even more value for their money. Things like more free content and loyalty programs as well as innovations around sharing your audiobooks library with family members.”

To learn more about Audiobooks.com and start your free trial, visit the company’s website at www.audiobooks.com.

“Audiobooks are a really easy way to work more reading into your daily life,” Wolfe concluded. “Everyone is busy. Everyone is looking for ways to multitask, and audiobooks are an amazing way to connect with content. Whether you start in the car, or at home when you’re cleaning, or out for a walk with your headphones in, audiobooks are a wonderful way to read when you might not otherwise have the time.”