Test Your Limits With Testlio

Think about this. Your company spends thousands of dollars developing a new app or software product and it fails. Users become annoyed and frustrated and leave your service for a rival. Not only did your company waste money and manpower, but it’s also losing some big-time revenue streams. Thankfully, companies can avoid releasing products that don’t deliver the goods if they are properly tested first.

While many companies choose to test in-house, outsourcing testing has become an increasingly common and cost-effective option. Kristel Kruustük, CEO and founder of testing company Testlio, spoke to RewardExpert about why Testlio stands out from the crowd when it comes to getting Quality Assurance (QA) right. “Testlio is a testing company founded by testers to change the way QA is done,” she said.

From a Hackathon to a Global Company

Testlio was founded by Kruustük and her now-husband Marko. “The idea of Testlio took root in 2012 after I became frustrated with the shortcomings of traditional crowdsourced testing platforms,” said Kruustük.

“We ended up taking part in the AngelHack Hackathon where we had the opportunity to put our idea out in front of various industry experts. As it happens, we won the hackathon and used the $25,000 prize money to start Testlio.” The company grew quickly and now has over 60 employees working out of offices in Estonia and San Francisco.

Only the Best Need Apply

Image via testlio.com

Testlio has a team of professional testers who are dedicated to discovering bugs and other problems within apps. The company is very selective in hiring testers and accepts fewer than 3 percent of the candidates who apply.

“We have a really strong onboarding process with training courses and vetting tests that allow us to validate testers’ skill sets and abilities—this allows us to bring real value to the community,” said Kruustük. In addition, Testlio’s team works around the clock and is based around the world. Many team members have experience on virtually any device out there, allowing for a more comprehensive testing process.

Quality Is the Emphasis

Testlio stresses quality over quantity when it comes to its testing process. It gets the kinks out of all sorts of products, including iOS apps, Android apps, web apps and desktop apps. Most testers will focus on finding functionality issues.

“Besides scenarios that make your app crash, testers also find problems where feature or functionality does not work properly—cases where the app does not work as it is supposed to. It can be a common issue or a device specific issue. This is where testing on various actual devices comes in handy,” stated Kruustük. “Testing is a key component when we talk about customer engagement—it ensures that the end product works as it should, whatever the device, operating system, etc.,” she said.

A Recipe for Success

Once an app is functional and released to the public, Testlio helps a company keep its app working smoothly through its automated software testing program. The company’s website states that automating Quality Assurance activities can mitigate risks to an organization’s reputation and can help a company keep pace with customer demands.

Go Local

In addition to functional testing and automated testing, Testlio offers localization testing. That helps a company deliver its products in various countries and in various languages, potentially opening up new markets. Testlio currently covers more than 35 countries and has content in more than 30 languages.

Easy Access

Image via testlio.com

Once an organization decides to become a Testlio customer, it gets access to Testlio’s easy all-in-one QA platform. The platform provides a convenient place to get constant updates on the testing process and allows for companies to customize the testing strategy.

On the platform, a user can see the top broken features, and the testers going through the app can chat about problems and how to fix them. Some of the biggest companies in the world are already Testlio customers, including Microsoft, Salesforce, Lyft and CBS Interactive.

A Commitment to Quality

Above all, Testlio remains committed to quality testing that can save an organization big money in the long run. After all, outsourcing testing means more free time for engineers, access to experts in various functional areas, quicker time to market and less chance of losing customers due to frustrating app experiences.

“We believe in quality over quantity, so our product is focused on creating value for the products and services built for customers by our customers,” Kruustük said.

To find out if Testlio is right for your organization, check out testlio.com to schedule a free demo today.