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Helping the Environment and Helping Your Finances

There is no question that renewable energy projects can have benefits for the environment, your physical health and your financial health. Imagine paying less on your electric bill because you use solar power. Imagine saving money because your car runs on electricity and not gas.

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DoubleNet Pay Helps Consumers Reach Their Financial Goals Automatically

Financial well-being is when a person can meet current and ongoing financial obligations, feel secure in their financial future, and when they are able to make choices that allow them to enjoy life, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). People who are in control of their finances have enough savings to deal with unexpected financial shocks, and are on track to meet their long-term financial goals.

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Maximize Your Money with MaxMyInterest

There’s no doubt that when it comes to protecting your money against economic and market downturns, cash is king. However, making sure you’re earning the most interest possible while protecting your cash accounts, can be more challenging, especially in a low interest rate environment. That’s where MaxMyInterest (Max) comes in.

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Two-Thirds of Americans Optimistic About Personal Finances

If you’re expecting your financial situation to change for the better this year, you’re in good company. In a survey conducted in December, LendingTree, a leading online loan marketplace, found that 67 percent of Americans expect their finances to improve in 2018. RewardExpert recently spoke with Lending Tree’s Vice President of Research, Brian Karimzad, about the survey results.

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There are ways to become financially free, even with all of life’s challenges. The secret is a relentless focus on growing your wealth, according to Todd Tresidder, creator of

Tresidder is a self-made millionaire who shares his tips and tricks with anyone who wants to listen. He’s coached and mentored hundreds of people, and believes that anyone can become financially independent if they do their homework.

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Boost Revenues with SendGrid’s Email Technology

Chances are that every business has missed out on some opportunities due to inefficiencies in their email service. As email technology evolves, companies need to keep up by making sure their customers stay up-to-date with the latest promotions, announcements, newsletters and more.

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Leading the Next Generation With Knowledge

The Center for Civic Education is doing its best to better inform in an array of categories, notably politics and the history of civic duty. The center’s primary purpose is to develop, implement and evaluate professional development and classroom curricular programs that foster civic competence, responsibility and engagement.

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Get More for Your Money by Investing with Mintos

Mintos is not your traditional peer-to-peer lending platform. It is a leading global online marketplace for loans. RewardExpert spoke with CEO and co-founder, Martins Sulte, about the uniqueness of Mintos and how the company has grown.

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Bank on Yourself: Helping Thousands of Families Enjoy Financial Security for Life

If you regularly worry about money, you’re definitely not alone. According to the Center for Financial Services Innovation, 57 percent of Americans are struggling financially causing them a significant amount of stress.

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Reliant Funding: The Small Business Financial Backup Plan

Forty-one percent of small business owners lack a financial backup plan in case of emergency according to Reliant Funding’s recent Small Business Report. Among those who have a plan, 20 percent have $75,000 or less socked away, and 3 percent have no emergency savings at all.

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RealtyMogul: Connecting Investors with Commercial Real Estate Opportunities

If you’re tired of earning less than 1 percent interest on money languishing in your savings accounts but desire an alternative to the usual stocks and mutual funds, you may want to consider investing in commercial real estate. According to RealtyMogul, an online real estate investing marketplace, real estate has outperformed the stock market nearly two to one for 15 years—even in robust bull markets like the one we enjoy today.

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Radius Bank: The Virtual Bank that Gives You More for Your Money

When it comes to banking, most people are looking for a community bank where the customer comes first. But they’re also interested in one that has all the components of a great technology platform as well. With Radius Bank, you get the best of both worlds–the convenience of online banking with a sense of community all wrapped up into one.

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Fundbox: Small Business Financing Made Simple

According to the SBA, nearly 98 percent of all businesses in the U.S. are small businesses—but their contributions to the country’s economy are anything but. Altogether, these estimated 30 million companies account for 65 percent of the nation’s GDP, or gross domestic product. The success of these myriad organizations is clearly vital to that of the U.S. itself, yet many of them struggle due to short-term cash flow challenges. Data analysis by Fundbox, a company that provides small business financing, shows some $825 billion unpaid invoices are a big part of the problem.

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Increase Your Earning Potential with Courses from CreativeLive

According to a recent poll, getting a new job is once again among the top resolutions Americans have made for the new year. If you are among them, CreativeLive may be a great place to start. With over 1,500 curated courses by the world’s top experts in a wide range of subjects, the online learning community is a valuable resource for professionals who want to enhance the skills used in their current careers as well as those who dream of turning their talents into viable businesses of their own.

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Survey Finds Most Employees Regret Not Saving for Their Financial Future

According to American Century Investments’ annual National Plan Participant Study, 90 percent of U.S. employees feel at least some regret about saving for their future. Among the 1,500 full-time workers surveyed for the study, more than half feel that not saving enough is one of the greatest mistakes of their lives.

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Save Money on Your Next Road Trip with Outdoorsy

When it comes to planning a trip, most people do it on a budget. You want to have a nice vacation with your family, but you don’t want to break the bank. An RV that can serve as transport and lodging may sound like a good idea, but while many RV owners buy one with the intention of using it many times throughout the year, the reality is that many campers sit in driveways most of the time. Over 17 million RVs in North America sit unused for nearly 350 days each year, according to Outdoorsy, a company that helps both RV owners and travelers save money on their vacations.

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Get Inspired to Save and Give Back with Inspirus Credit Union

Money and education often go hand in hand, and it all starts with the necessary building blocks from elementary school. At Inspirus Credit Union, it’s all about caring about students in the community. RewardExpert spoke with Collin Campbell, vice president of strategic initiatives, and Morgan Cole, public relations specialist, about what makes their credit union stand out from the rest and why after more than 80 years it’s still going strong.

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Start on Your Successful Path to Investing with Acorns

When it comes to investing, many people incorrectly believe that you need to have a lot of time and a lot of money to be successful. In fact, you can get started on your road to financial freedom by investing whatever you have, thanks to companies like Acorns.

RewardExpert spoke with Manning Field, chief commercial officer of Acorns, which is a mobile investment platform that helps anyone and everyone invest their money. “We firmly believe that anyone can grow wealth,” according to Field.

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Millions of Americans are Starting or Running Financially-Viable New Businesses

Over the past two years more than 25 million Americans started or were running new businesses in an economy that continues to show moderately healthy growth, according to the  Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2016 United States Report released by Babson College.

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Business Finances: Saving Time and Money with Deputy

What if you could manage key aspects of your business while lying on the beach? Create schedules or finalize payroll while sipping an exotic beverage, or even get the low down on how the weather will impact your scheduling back home while watching the sunset?

If any of that sounds good to you then Deputy might just be up your alley. It is software designed to streamline scheduling and workforce management. Companies like Amazon, Nike, and McDonald’s are already using Deputy, and so is NASA, along with local mom-and-pop stores looking to get the most out of their money and time.

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