Many people look at their jobs as just a place to work – to go somewhere and put in your time, do your job, collect your paycheck and leave for the day. But what if there was a way to make your job more gratifying and your workplace more rewarding? Reward Gateway is a company who’s goal is to do just that. Its mission is to make the world a better place to work.
RewardExpert spoke with Reward Gateway Group SVP of Marketing, Jonathan Burg, about why employee engagement is so important for both employee and employer.
Putting the “Human” in HR
Reward Gateway has been dedicated to the human part of human resources for over 10 years. The company believes that engaged employees build stronger organizations and more successful companies. “We really focus on creating a culture of continuous recognition,” said Burg. He stated that making it easy for employees to say thank you to each other and to reward each other is of the utmost importance.
“Reward Gateway’s employee engagement platform incorporates recognition, rewards, surveys and communications to help employers connect with their employees.” Burg described some of the company’s tools:
- We help reinforce, embed and communicate an organization’s mission, purpose and values to their employees. So not only can they recognize employees, but they can help understand what it is that they really want them to be doing in order to receive that reward and make an impact on the organization.
- We have an employee perks platform that really shows employees that their employer cares about them. It provides them with something that extends their pay and their disposable income. And access to hundreds of discounts that are exclusive to employees really makes an impact.
- There is also a measurement tool that organizations can use where they can have a pulse check on their employees. Oftentimes employers will start with an employee survey to see where employees are and how things are being effectively communicated. It turns into a nice way for an employer to continuously learn about what’s going on in their company and invest in people in an appropriate way.
These solutions are part of Reward Gateway’s 10-step Engagement Bridge, which is a model that Burg says is used to help clients work through their platform and invest in their people. “We help organizations create a culture that thinks – thinking about and recognizing employees for exhibiting behaviors that are in support of that company’s corporate mission, objectives and values.”
Burg also stated that while Reward Gateway offers a centralized platform for all the solutions, each company model is different. “It is extremely tailored to an employer’s brand, and really enforces an employee value proposition, what it means to work at that company, which is quite unique. We bring an employer’s brand to life.”
Employee Engagement is a Win-Win for All
Reward Gateway is all about keeping employees and employers happy, and its products can result in substantial cost savings. “Employers will have to spend an equivalent of six to nine months of an employee’s salary in order to find and retain that replacement, so being able to retain employees is really important,” explained Burg. He went on to say that his company has primary research that indicates nearly 54% of employees would rather be thanked for their work than paid a higher salary. “When an employer shows that they’re creating an environment where they’re investing in their employees, the employees will feel more committed to that company and stay longer.”
Making the World a Better Place to Work
Burg stated that Reward Gateway is dedicated to its mission of creating the best employee experience for everyone, and the company is continuing to grow in the U.S., U.K. and Australia. “We are always innovating and evolving our solutions. We want to delight our customers and listen to the challenges they have to create trust between employees and employers.” And engagement and recognition are at the core. For more information, visit rewardgateway.com.