Time is money, and in business any edge you can gain is critical. When it comes to your mobile services, why waste time on tasks like correcting typos or incorporating links to certain photos or videos? Enter Fleksy, the Guinness World Record holder for the fastest keyboard in the world.
“Our mission is to provide the easiest access to content as you type,” said Fleksy CEO Olivier Plante. “Ultimately, our vision is one where content is readily available as you type and contextually available before you even think about it.”
A Lightning Fast Experience
Fleksy, founded in 2011, is available for iOS and Android and has been downloaded more than six million times. Its unique design allows users to speed up their typing performance through an auto-correct algorithm. Features include a number of row extensions, an easy text editor, one-handed typing, shortcuts, and an invisible mode which allows users to type without looking. Also important is Fleksy’s built-in launcher service, which allows users to navigate instantly between apps.
Save Time and Money
The hallmark of Fleksy’s role as one of the leading Keyboard as a Platform (KaaP) providers is the ability to quickly add content. Gone are the days when you had to copy and paste content from one app to another. “With fleksyapps you don’t need to do all this, as your favorite apps will be accessible from within the keyboard–easy, simple and instantaneous,” said Plante, who adds that Fleksy can save users 20% of time per week that they would otherwise waste accessing content or switching apps. You can search for restaurants, news and more without leaving your messaging app.
In addition, the KaaP service allows a business to get its brand in front of millions of users across a wide variety of chat, email and note apps, potentially boosting sales and resulting in higher revenue.
Created with Safety in Mind
Fleksy is not only fast, it also keeps critical data and information safe from data mining. It bills itself as the only private keyboard in the world. Unlike its competitors, Fleksy does not demand access to your data, contacts, maps and more, in exchange for its services. Instead, Fleksy makes money based on in-app purchases. “Businesses and organizations save time and a huge amount of money by not worrying or investing in security: Fleksy does it for them,” said Plante.
Challenges and Opportunities
Fleksy recently merged with another mobile keyboard company, Thingthing, which has also led to an expansion of business opportunities. “We now have a more global user base, which brings its own challenges, and requests for new languages come from all over the world,” said Plante. He added that it’s extremely important to make sure the brand is consistent in all languages, on all devices and in the way users type in Fleksy.
Fast Forward to the Future
The company is focused on continuing to improve its service, while keeping its hallmark simplicity and design. “Heavy mobile users require the fastest and cleanest keyboard experience, and we love giving them more powerful ways to save time everyday with powerful customization and fleksyapps, the fastest access to content as you type,” said Plante.
To see more of what Fleksy can do for you, head to fleksy.com.