How much time do you spend searching your home for your keys, phone or other personal items each year? How many dollars do you spend replacing the things you can’t find? The answers to both of these questions might surprise you. According to several surveys, lost items cost Americans more than $5,500 over their lifetimes, while searching for things that have gone missing consumes an average of 2.5 days every year.
Fortunately, the folks at TrackR are producing a range of Bluetooth-enabled tracking devices to solve these problems. Christian Smith, co-founder and president, spoke to RewardExpert about the personal experience that inspired the company’s founding, how the TrackR family of products work, and why you should rely on TrackR to simplify your life at home and on the go.
Making Lost Items a Thing of the Past
Smith and TrackR’s other co-founder, Chris Herbert, are UC Santa Barbara graduates and avid surfers. One day, while catching a few waves at a local beach, Herbert’s keys fell out of his wet suit. He didn’t notice they’d gone missing until the tide began creeping in. Unable to move the vehicle, which was parked below the high tide line, the pair panicked. They frantically searched the sand for several hours, locating the lost keys in the nick of time. Deciding they never wanted to experience such a predicament again, Herbert and Smith vowed to end the search for lost items forever.
“We founded TrackR in 2009 to make lost items a thing of the past,” Smith said. “Our app software, cloud databases, and wireless devices revolutionize how consumers keep track of their items. TrackR has shipped more than 4.5 million devices and helps customers find over 1.2 million items every day.”
Small, Durable, Attractive and Affordable
TrackR makes products for just about any item you might want to safeguard from loss.
“The TrackR family of products keeps growing, with durable and attractive item trackers that are small enough to attach to anything,” Smith noted. “TrackR bravo is a coin-sized device you can attach to any item that will ring when activated, while TrackR pixel is a colorful, lightweight device that rings and lights up when activated. TrackR’s robust platform allows you to create your own network of instantly searchable and shareable items. Plus, integration with voice search—through Amazon Alexa-enabled devices—adds value immediately.”
You can purchase a single TrackR pixel for $24.99 or grab a multipack of five ($74.99), eight ($99.99) or 12 units ($149.99) at a money-saving discount. A single TrackR bravo device is $29.99. Multipacks of three ($59.99), five ($89.99) and eight ($149.99) are also available.
Track Your Items Anywhere You Go
To use your TrackR device, simply attach it to the stuff you value most, then pair it with the free TrackR app on your iOS or Android phone. When you need to find the item, simply activate the device with the app. TrackR uses Bluetooth technology to help you find your belongings.
It even works if your item is out of Bluetooth range, thanks to TrackR’s automatic finding feature known as Crowd Locate. Built into the TrackR app, Crowd Locate expands the number of people who can help you find your missing keys and more.
“When a TrackR app user passes by your lost item, the app sees it and automatically send you a private, secure, and anonymous location update,” Smith explained. “Every TrackR app is part of the Crowd Locate network, helping others find what’s lost. All you need to do is leave your app running in the background to join the crowd.”
Don’t Forget TrackR When You Travel
Smith said TrackR urges customers to use the device on any item they fear misplacing, not just obvious things like keys. And it’s as useful while traveling as it is in your day-to-day life.
“The more items you track, the more efficient your life can become,” he added. “TrackR attaches to everything—from suitcases to passports—to make sure they never get lost while traveling, even in hard to see places. If something goes missing, you can also check the in-app map for the last place you were within Bluetooth range or use Crowd Locate to anonymously search for your lost item. You can even see that your checked luggage has made it onto the plane before you take off.”